Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Terrafugia, Flying Car that Could
Congestion in the capital Jakarta are already a fine day-to-day we. Even if the government makes a lot of policy in dealing with this area as the 3 in 1, the way bus routes and so forth, it seems only a little impact in reducing congestion. What happens if there is already in the Terrafugia, a car that can fly?

A company car in Massachusett not successful this time to design a car that can fly, the concept of solidarity between the car and airplane inspired by the concept of Back to the Future II and The Jetsons, and finally, the researchers perform research to make it real.

Basically the car has a concept car like other normal, that is able to run on the road. However, provided by component plane, the car becomes "roadable aircraft" that it will not only pass in the streets but also in the air. Wah!

The first flight is done with very good, but when you first landed quite a few possible problems. "Said inventor and Coo Anna Mracek Dietrich. "Aviation is truly remarkable because it points the main concern of this research is the car can dikendarai in the streets and in the air.

This car uses gas fuel, normal wheel, telescope stick, pedal and others. Estimated to travel that can be done using a car with a tank filled with a full akan can reach 500 miles.

While it is running and try to change the position of a fly, clearance time of 30 seconds, to enable components pesawatnya. The conversion process does not itself require distance 1700 feet in the streets for the base can be separated.

In the position you want to change the mode of driving and flight mode, the length of the car into 19 feet and 80 inch wide, 6 feet by using the wheels, up to 9 inch. Total wingspan of its own to be 27 feet, 6 inch.

The technicians will learn from the first flight tests and research will continue to modify the car to be better in the future.

In addition, to be able to flee the car, may not have been allowed for common people. Only the person who has a permit to fly the plane is allowed driving.

Terrafugia hope in the year 2012, this car will fly and can be thrown to the market. Currently there are 40 people who mendonorkan money on the development of flying cars is 194,000 U.S. Dollars, or approximately 2.3 billion Rupiah.

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