Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Backward The Otomatik Car Transmission

If we habituate notes fell from a car accident at the building in the park building in the capital a few years kebelakang, occurred about three cases. Ceklagi.com akan give tips how to reverse park a car transmission otomatik. Tipsnya following:

1. Do not tread in the gas pedal too, because the car can move back even though gas pedal does not diinjak, let alone in a flat parking area. Please note also, for torsi back teeth (R) is greater than the one torsi teeth. This means when the thrust is greater than the reverse thrust on the gear teeth are in position one.
2. Always put one foot on the brake pedal and a brake tread.
3. When the car back, pusatkan attention to vehicles and parking area. Avoid driving while doing other activities, for example, turn the radio or using a mobile phone.

- This is a nice useful tips, Congratulations Testing

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